This is a past event.

Radical Democracy

Adela Cortina

Radical Democracy

Adela Cortina

Moderation: Fernanda Henriques

Recent times have brought us an open crisis in democracy. With extremist policies gaining institutional ground and in the face of news of various forms of violence arising from the  supposed difficulty of people with different perspectives and multiple origins living together, it is important to listen to voices that recognise the plurality of the world and consider this diversity as a creative wealth and not as a source of permanent conflict. The proposal for an ethics for a pluralistic world by Spanish philosopher Adela Cortina is, in this context, an important contribution to opening spaces for healthier and more respectful coexistence, which allow for an ethical life for ourselves and future generations.

“No se rechaza al extranjero, sino al pobre”. Adela Cortina, filósofa
© Jacob Lund.

16 JAN 2025
THU 19:00

Secure a seat
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Free entry*
Duration 1h30

In Spanish

*with ticket pickup 15 min. before the session starts (subject to room capacity)

Pre-registration available here.

Given the demand, the conference will be held at the Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium.


Adela Cortina é membro da Real Academia Espanhola de Ciências Morais e Políticas e Catedrática Emérita de Ética e Filosofia Política da Universidade de Valência. Estará em conversa com Fernanda Henriques, filósofa e professora emérita da Universidade de Évora e coordenadora do Centro de Filosofia e Género da Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia.

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