Adolfo Luxúria Canibal, Carlos Martins, Miguel Pedro, Luís Trindade

Adolfo Luxúria Canibal, Carlos Martins, Miguel Pedro, Luís Trindade

From Fascism to Far-Right Politics

Adolfo Luxúria Canibal, Carlos Martins, Miguel Pedro, Luís Trindade

From Fascism to Far-Right Politics

The term fascist is used to identify an authoritarian teacher, as a government that imposes a public health restriction (such as the use of a mask) or a boss who fires a worker. This ease in the use of the word worries Mão Morta. What do we talk about nowadays when we talk about fascism? What are its characteristics? What are its explicit and implicit dangers? What is the relationship between current fascisms and liberal democracies? These and other questions should concern us. It is about them and the concept of fascism that they intend to focus, in order to complete their artistic approach in a conversation in the company of Luís Trindade, director of the Institute of Contemporary History at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, who published, among other books and articles: O Estranho Caso do Nacionalismo Português.

O Salazarismo entre a Política e a Literatura. (The Strange Case of Portuguese Nationalism. Salazarism between Politics and Literature) (2008), and Silêncio Aflito. A Sociedade Portuguesa Através da Música Popular(dos anos 40 aos anos 70)(Distressed Silence: Portuguese Society Through Popular Music (from the 40s to the 70s) (2022).

© DR.

02 OCT 2024
WED 19:00

Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Free entry*
Duration 1h30

*with ticket pickup 30 min. before the session starts (subject to room capacity).

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