Ben Frost com Greg Kubaki & Tarik Barri

Ben Frost com Greg Kubaki & Tarik Barri

Scope Neglect

Ben Frost com Greg Kubaki & Tarik Barri

Scope Neglect

It's been more than seven long years since Ben Frost last visited Portugal, the same amount of time since he released his last original album The Centre Cannot Hold. During this apparent disappearance, the Australian musician has done a lot of work on television - the series Dark, 1899 and Fortitude gave him opportunities to create soundtracks - and in other parallel fields - opera, gaming, cinema and an installation by Richard Mosse, for example. Ben Frost returns to discs and stages with a strong desire to mark his territory and proposes a musical experience that touches, this time literally, on the viscerality and explosive power of rock, summoning up that dark spirit that has always been omnipresent at the heart of his previous performances. Mathcore guitarist Greg Kubaki is therefore the necessary detonation that occurs within the thick and vigorous environmentalism that Frost builds so well. Around them, Tarik Barri's overflowing light and video open up unexpected colours and shapes like flowers insisting on a storm.

Ben Frost - Tritium Bath
© Topper Komm.

18 SEP 2024
WED 21:00

Buy Tickets
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium

22€ (discounts)
Duration 60min

Loud sound and strobe lights during the show.


Ben Frost


Greg Kubacki

Lights, video

Tarik Barri

Sound Technician

Carlos Boix

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