This is a past event.
Cinanima Internacional Animation Film Festival
Cinanima Internacional Animation Film Festival
Phenakistiscope, better known as Phantascope, was the first animation device that created the illusion of motion. The device consisted of a round cardboard disc displaying 16 sequential illustrations, which turned into a short animated film when spun. The musicians Fernando Mota and Rui Rebelo were inspired by the films in those cardboards to improvise a soundtrack from instruments made with objects and toys.
CINANIMA is the oldest animated film festival in Portugal and has been taking place since 1976. Each year, Culturgest presents a selection of the award-winning films chosen by the Festival’s organizers from among those presented by both national and international contestants. Just as last year, there will be two different sessions: in the afternoon, a live music film session for families with the musicians Fernando Mota and Rui Rebelo and the customary screening of the award-winning films for an wider audience at evening.
07 DEC 2019
SAT 16:00
Single price 5€
Duration 60 min
Nascente – Cooperativa de Ação Cultural e Câmara Municipal de Espinho
Fernando Mota