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Elmano Sancho

Cordeiros de Deus ou Soldados da Esperança

Elmano Sancho

Cordeiros de Deus ou Soldados da Esperança

The old testament tells us about the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, in which the son is replaced by a lamb after the intervention of God’s angel. In Greek mythology, the ritual of individual sacrifice exists to save the collective. In times of war, plagues and crises, the sacrificial act makes it possible to safeguard the survival of the community and free the city from misfortune. In this show, director and playwright Elmano Sancho seeks to discover the meaning of sacrifice today.

Elmano Sancho is an award-winning actor, playwright, and author of the texts I Can’t Breathe (2015), Damas da Noite, Uma Farsa de Elmano Sancho (Ladies of the Night, A Farce by Elmano Sancho) (2019), and the trilogy Maria, A Mãe (Maria, the Mother) (2020), Jesus, o Filho (Jesus, the Son) (2021) and José, o Pai (Joseph, the Father) (2022). With extensive experience on national and international stages, in cinema and television, he has staged a dozen theatre plays.

© Sofia Berberan.
© Sofia Berberan.
© Sofia Berberan.
© Sofia Berberan.
© Joana Linda.

11 SEP 2024
WED 21:00

12 SEP 2024
THU 21:00

13 SEP 2024
FRI 21:00

14 SEP 2024
SAT 19:00

Buy Tickets
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
14€ (discounts)
Duration 1h15

Audiodescription and interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language
14 SEP

Biografia Elmano Sancho

Elmano Sancho é um fazedor de teatro de muitos talentos. É um ator premiado comexperiência em palcos nacionais e internacionais, no cinema e na televisão, dramaturgoe autor dos textos “I Can’t Breathe" (2015), "A Última Estação" (2018), "Damas da Noite, Uma Farsa deElmano Sancho" (2019) e a trilogia "Maria, A Mãe" (2020), "Jesus, o Filho" (2021) e "José, o Pai" (2022), e encenador de uma dezena de peças de teatro, realizadasentre 2014 e 2023.

Co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, as part of the Europe Beyond Access II project


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Antena 2Rádio Futura

Text, director

Elmano Sancho


Custódia Gallego, Duarte Melo, Elmano Sancho, Lucília Raimundo, Rafael Carvalho

Stage assistant

Paulo Lage


Samantha Silva


Pedro Nabais


Sofia Berberan


Loup Solitaire, Culturgest — Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos, TAGV — Teatro Académico Gil Vicente, Teatro Viriato, Teatro Virgínia, Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Teatro Diogo Bernardes


Abraço, ACEGIS, Aguinenso, Apoiar, AVIPG, CAE Portalegre, Teatro Aveirense

Audiodescription of Culturgest sessions 

AR Produções, Lda

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