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Film program
Film program
Silvia das Fadas' Film Program
05 OCT-08 NOV
Desvia a tua casa is part of the film curatorship of Cinema Fulgor, a cinema with mobile roots through the spatial constellation of the Alentejo region, in Southern Portugal. Conceived as a feral program (Bravia), it arises in Porto, proposing a territory of spiral relationships in the overprint of cinematic arts and counter-ethnography. Three films, by three artists-filmmakers - Trinh T. Minh-ha, Elke Marhöfer and Deborah Stratman - in discontinuous movements through different cine-geographies, offering a polyphonic aesthetic practice of “speaking nearby,” weaving correspondences, operating detours.
Reassemblage, 1982, 40'
Directed by Trinh T. Minh-ha
prendas – ngangas – enquisos – machines {each part welcomes the other without saying}, 2014, 25'
Directed by Elke Marhöfer
Vever (for Barbara), 2019, 12’
Directed by Deborah Stratman
Lucas Camargo de Barros' Film Program
09 NOV-06 DEC
Lucas Camargo de Barros’ program highlights the single screening of his film O Tubérculo, a feature film co-directed with Nicolas Thomé Zetune, which subverts the common traces of Super 8 film. Maxwell Alexandre will occupy the big screen with the short film Bifinho. This cycle invites visitors to explore the deactivated vaults in the basement of the building, where two works by biarritzzz and Bertô expand the cinematographic language by fusing real and virtual mythologies.
Nuno Lisboa's Film Program
07 DEC-12 JAN
At the close of the cinema room in the exhibition The Floor is Lava! in Porto, Nuno Lisboa’s programme seeks to evoke the previous cycles of this temporary film club, while at the same time condensing into a single piece — an incomplete film, part of a larger film, spoken in many languages, shot entirely in the city of Porto in the 1980s, described as an ‘eloquent cinematographic wandering about the delirium of colonisation’.