Café Müller (1985)

Café Müller (1985)

Film Screening Pina Bausch

Café Müller (1985)

Film Screening Pina Bausch

Café Müller, de Pina Bausch, é inspirada nas memórias de infância da coreógrafa, que observava o pai a trabalhar num café, na Alemanha, durante e após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A peça, uma das mais emblemáticas da dança contemporânea, explora temas como solidão, desejo, memória e as complexas relações humanas, através de uma performance intensa e repetitiva. No palco, os corpos confrontam-se num espaço surreal e labiríntico, criando uma atmosfera de fragilidade e tensão. 

The film, recorded during one of Café Müller's performances, offers a glimpse into the power of live performance. Originally presented in 1978, Café Müller was first broadcast on German television in December 1985.

In the talk after the film, Gaya de Medeiros will present a personal view on Café Müller and explore the relationship between Café Müller and her new project, Cafezinho. The aim is not to carry out a historical analysis, but to offer a subjective and artistic vision, reflecting on the impact and contemporary relevance of Café Müller.

Ulli Weiss © Pina Bausch Foundation.

03 APR 2025
THU 19:00

Secure a seat
Small Auditorium
Free admission*
Duration 49min.

*with ticket pickup 15 min. before the session starts (subject to room capacity).

Pre-registration available here.

Pina Bausch

Set and costume design
Rolf Borzik

Henry Purcell

Malou Airaudo, Pina Bausch, Dominique Mercy, Jan Minařík, Nazareth Panadero, Jean Laurent Sasportes

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