This is a past event.
Joana Sá
Joana Sá
We arrive at corpo-escuta / a body as listening aware of the long path trailed by Joana Sá to arrive at this show. a body as listening – resonant cartography of music (im)materialities will exist as a project of ambitious scale that includes a music album, a book, a virtual art installation complementary to the book, but that stands on its own, and a conference-performance. Still, for Joana Sá, attention to the body and to listening began much earlier with through this looking glass (2010), and Elogio da desordem / In praise of disorder (2013) – in a way, parts one and two of a trilogy that now ends. And what we have is a remarkable and idiosyncratic body of work where instruments take on performative lives, and by resonating, the performative body becomes an instrument. Challenging and (re)feeding our senses and extra-senses, corpo-escuta deconstructs certainties rooted in solid groundcemented by dualities – subject vs. object, self vs. other, control vs. uncontrolled, inside vs. outside.
Music, performance (piano and others) and artistic direction
Joana Sá
Visual conception
Daniel Costa Neves
Performance co-creation (movement support)
Teresa Silva
Body-listening device (installation)
Henrique Fernandes
Light design
Daniel Costa Neves e Tela Negra
Light operation
Tela Negra
Sound design and operation
Suse Ribeiro
Menos muito mais, CRL
Culturgest, gnration, Jazz ao Centro