This is a past event.
João dos Santos Martins
João dos Santos Martins
How can we think of the body and its movement as a trace and at the same time a projection? In his journey as a choreographer, João dos Santos Martins seeks to explore, from and through dance, and its history, the relationship between practice and discourse and the contradictions inherent to the activity of dancing.
In Life and Work there is an attempt to bend time forwards and backwards, as a process of memory and simultaneous becoming. In this movement, the present becomes a place of dispute between the lived past and the future. The body vibrates through the interaction between movement and voice, in an effort to coexist with languages that resonate, which makes it overflow as texture, sensuality, and sensation.
16 MAY 2024
THU 21:00
17 MAY 2024
FRI 21:00
18 MAY 2024
SAT 19:00
14€ (discounts)
Duration 1h15
18 MAY
SAT 7:00pm
Audiodescription in the context of the project Pensar a Audiodescrição para a Dança Contemporânea, organised by the Associação Parasita.
Biography João dos Santos Martins
João dos Santos Martins is an artist. João studied at the Escola Superior de Dança (Lisbon), P.A.R.T.S. (Brussels),, (Montpellier) and the Instituto para Estudos Aplicados ao Teatro (Giessen). His work, usually developed in collaborative processes, covers several forms focusing on dance, through choreography, exhibition or editing. These forms are crossed by questions concerning the genealogies of dance history, transmission processes, the relationship between practice and discourse, and paradoxes about the activity of dancing. Together with Ana Bigotte Vieira, he has created a device for the collective mapping of dance in Portugal - Para Uma Timeline a Haver. He has previously performed in works by Ana Rita Teodoro, Eszter Salamon, Moriah Evans, Xavier Le Roy, Jérôme Bel, Manuel Pelmuş, Rui Horta, among others. In 2014 João created Parasita, a cooperative of artists of which he is a member.
With the support
Co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, as part of the Europe Beyond Access II project
João dos Santos Martins
Adriano Vicente, Ana Rita Teodoro, Connor Scott, João dos Santos Martins, Natacha Campos, Noel Quintela, Sofia Kafol, Teresa Silva
Constança Entrudo with the team Jimena Gonzalez, Alicia Serra, Sofia Braga
Filipe Pereira, Joana Mário
Ricardo Figueiredo
Vocal support
Joana Nascimento
from Horse Sings from Cloud (1975), by Pauline Oliveros
Production and management
João dos Santos Martins, Lysandra Domingues e Sofia Lopes | Associação Parasita & Association Mi-Maï
Associação Parasita, Culturgest, DDD - Festival Dias da Dança
Espaço Parasita, Estúdios Victor Córdon, O Espaço do Tempo, PRO.DANÇA
Andrea Rodella, Alina Folini, Dani Issler, David Marques, Luísa Saraiva, Ritó Natálio, Rodrigo Teixeira, Rui Dâmaso
José Carlos Duarte, João Costa
Parasita is a structure supported by the Portuguese Republic: Cultura / DGArtes Direção-Geral das Artes