This is a past event.

Mette Ingvartsen


Mette Ingvartsen


Legend has it that skateboarding was born one day when low waves forced surfers onto the Los Angeles asphalt. Gliding through the streets, conquering every new obstacle, skateboarding has become a peculiar choreography. It plays over the surface of our cities, reclaiming public space in fierce movements that cut across curves and boundaries, and it holds the thrill of several dreams.

Together with a group of skaters and dancers, Mette Ingvartsen explores the speed and energy of movement on wheels – a physical memory from her own youth. More than a smooth spectacle of virtuoso feats, Skatepark marks the emergence of a community – one defined by persistence and hard work within the ongoing practice of individuals who try, fall, and push the limits of the possible, alone but together. On this journey, theatre provides a fluid framework for an encounter between a group of skaters and dancers across generations. Their repeated efforts at balancing and jumping, their boisterous interaction and clashes in shared space, form something more – an entire society we can learn from.

Skatepark - Mette Ingvartsen
© Bea Borgers.

07 MAR 2025
FRI 21:00

08 MAR 2025
SAT 19:00

Buy Tickets
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
18€ (discounts)
Duration 1h20


Governo Flamengo - Vlaanderen

Apoio à Divulgação

Antena 1

Concept and choreography

Mette Ingvartsen


Damien Delsaux, Manuel Faust, Aline Boas, Mary Pop Wheels, Sam Gelis, Fouad Nafili, Júlia Rúbies Subirós, Thomas Bîrzan, Briek Neuckermans, Indreas Kifleyesus, Arthur Vannes, Camille Gecchele, Mathias Thiers, Bob Aertsen, Bo Huyghebaert, Nona De Neve e skaters locais: Alex Furtado, Bento Peixoto, Ivandro, Madalena Galante, Madruga, Vini Ciareli e Morgan Akira

Sound design

Anne van de Star, Peter Lenaerts

Light design

Minna Tiikkainen


Felix Kubin, Mord Records, Why the eye, sonaBLAST! Records, Rrose, The Fanny Pads, Restive Plaggona


Bojana Cvejić


Jennifer Defays

Set design

Pierre Jambé/Antidote

Technical set design

Stéphane Thonnard

Set construction

Construction workshop of Théâtre National Bruxelles: Joachim Pochet, Joachim Hesse, Pierre Jardon, Yves Philippaerts, Andrea Messana, Boyd Gates

Technical direction

Hans Meijer


Milan Van Doren, Yrjänä Rankka, Filip Vilhelmsson


Bennert Vancottem, Jan-Simon De Lille

Choreography assistance

Jacob Ingram-Dodd

Accompaniment of local participants

Billie Meeussen, Victor Perez Hernandez, Bruno "Break"

Production and administration

Joey Ng


Oihana Azpillaga Camio


Jeroen Goffings


Ruth Collier


Great Investment vzw

Great Investment is supported by The Flemish Authorities, The Flemish Community Commission (VGC), Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government & The Danish Arts Council.

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