This is a past event.
Applications are open for the roles of Playwriting-Interpretation or Staging-Interpretation Assistance for the show Shared Landscapes (a play by Émilie Rousset), until December 10th. Rehearsals and presentations will take place in June and July 2024, at Quinta do Pisão in Cascais.
This project is directed by Caroline Barneaud (Teatro de Vidy) and Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll), and will be held at Quinta do Pisão, a natural area of great beauty in the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park. The show is made up of 7 artistic interventions by Stefan Kaegi, El Conde de Torrefiel, Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz, Chiara Bersani and Marco D'Agostin, Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter, Émilie Rousset, and Ari Benjamin Meyers, along a route which lasts around 7 hours, from early afternoon to sunset.
We are looking for someone to integrate the play by French director Émilie Rousset, in particular Playwriting-Interpretation or Directing Assistance-Interpretation, with excellent language skills: bilingual in Portuguese and French, and also fluent in English. The selected person will help the director in the casting, research, and rehearsals process, and will also act as a performer in the show (in Portuguese) with a clip-on microphone. The play lasts 30 minutes and will be performed outdoors (should be in a good physique).
Shared Landscapes brings together artistic creation and nature. It starts from a deep respect for nature and seeks to question the complex relationship between human beings and the environment, ecology, and the living beings we share the planet with. The project offers a poetic experience, close to nature, but also raises questions about the disastrous path that human beings are taking with regard to climate and the environment.
This is an international co-production, within the scope of the European project Performing Landscapes, co-financed by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme and carried out by a consortium of partners from Slovenia, France, Austria, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Portugal- including Avignon Festival, the Piccolo Teatro in Milan, the Berliner Festspiele, and Culturgest.
Émilie Rousset uses documentary research to create theatrical, filmic, and installation forms, in which actors incorporate their collective archives, creating fruitful overlaps between reality and fiction, original and copy. The interpreters and the machine reinterpret these original and plural visions, inviting the public to contemplate, circumvent, and examine the interconnections between science, technology, economy, and landscape.
16 NOV
– 10 DEC 2023
Candidaturas até 10 DEZ através deste link
A Culturgest dará resposta a todas as candidaturas até 15 DEZ
Remuneração 2.940€
Ensaios: 21 a 28 JUN 2024
Espetáculos: 29-30 JUN, 06-07 JUL, 13-14 JUL 2024
Mais informações sobre o projeto Shared Lansdcapes aqui e sobre Émilie Rousset aqui.
Shared Landscapes é um encontro entre a criação artística e a natureza. Parte de um respeito profundo pela natureza e procura questionar a relação complexa do ser humano com o ambiente, a ecologia e os seres vivos com os quais partilhamos o planeta. O projeto oferece uma experiência poética, perto da natureza, mas levanta também questões sobre o caminho desastroso que o ser humano está a trilhar no que concerne ao clima e ao ambiente.
Trata-se de uma coprodução internacional, no âmbito do projeto europeu Performing Landscapes, cofinanciado pelo programa Europa Criativa da União Europeia e realizada por um consórcio de parceiros de Eslovénia, França, Áustria, Espanha, Alemanha, Itália e Portugal, entre os quais o Festival de Avignon, o Piccolo Teatro de Milão, o Berliner Festspiele e a Culturgest.
Émilie Rousset recorre à pesquisa documental para criar formas teatrais, fílmicas e instalações, nas quais os atores incorporam os seus arquivos coletivos, criando sobreposições frutíferas entre realidade e ficção, original e cópia. Os intérpretes e a máquina reinterpretam estas visões originais e plurais, convidando o público a contemplar, contornar e examinar as interligações entre ciência, tecnologia, economia e paisagem.
Performing Landscape cofinanciado pelo programa Europa Criativa da União Europeia
The concept creation was funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Germany)
With the support of INVR Berlin for the virtual reality headsets