(Post-)human Mythologies and Technological Fictions

(Post-)human Mythologies and Technological Fictions

(Post-)human Mythologies and Technological Fictions

Curated by: Manuel Bogalheiro

Western myths on the relationship between humans and technology generally present a tragic vision: on the one hand, humans constantly try to surpass themselves; on the other, they fear being dominated by the artificial. As technology advances, it alternates between scenarios of salvation and apocalypse, in an evolution that is both material and marked by political imaginaries based on ethnic, racial, or class criteria. The (post-)human debate, dramatised in various ways today, is the starting point for questioning new ways of representing bodies, subjectivities, and intelligences, which escape the historical definition of human. Culturgest and Contemporânea magazine come together within the scope of the (Post-)human Mythologies and Technological Fictions program in a debate in two parts, Artistic Imaginaries and Historical-theoretical Imaginaries, with artists and thinkers, to reflect on the way current technologies challenge us to imagine other ways of conceiving humans and their subjectivity.

Lou Cantor e Projeto (de)MONSTRAS
Imaginários Artísticos

4:30pm | 2h

An encounter with two artistic and research projects around the imaginary of the human relationship with technology. The conversation with the Berlin collective Lou Cantor (Jozefina Chetko and Kolja Glaeser), Affective Work and the Expanded Mind, part of the artistic project Spiritual Reality, which uses speculative fiction to explore human consciousness and subjectivity, in relation to new technologies such as ChatGPT. By questioning the dualism between human and machine, we investigate the relationship between key moments in the history of artificial intelligence and the dominant cultural images about behaviour, affection, work, identity, knowledge, intelligence, and spirituality, which persist in current digital imaginaries. The (de)MONSTRAS Project (Aida Castro, Ana Carolina Fiuza, Maria Mire, Catarina Braga) will present, in Imaginários, Corporalidades e Materialidades Anfíbias (Amphibious Imaginaries, Corporalities, and Materialities), figures of media bodies considered monstrous, prosthetic, cyborg, non-normative, complex, and hybrid.

Um Ana Teixeira Pinto
“A Mente do Homem um Ovário Não Usado” — A Inteligência Artificial Antes das Tecnologias de Informação

7:00pm | 1h30
Moderation: Manuel Bogalheiro

In the summer of 2023, many experts in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry gave interviews to the media, speculating that recent developments in artificial intelligence could lead to the extinction of humanity. The fiction and personification of AI pre-exists information technologies (IT) and may have little to say about technology, science, or economics, but they have a lot to say about evolutionary fantasies, masculinity, or the frontier of the human and the quest of immortality. Treating metaphysical conceptions of the mind as a prehistory of artificial intelligence, Ana Teixeira Pinto, writer, curator, guest professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg and theory tutor at the Dutch Art Institute analyses cultural aspirations and anxieties that exceed what technology allows.

© Lou Cantor.

30 OCT 2024
WED 16:30, 19:00

Small Auditorium
Free entry*

*with ticket pickup 30 min. before the first session starts (subject to room capacity)



Organized by Contemporânea in partnership with Culturgest

Artistic direction

Celina Brás


DGARTES, República Portuguesa

(Post)-Human Mythologies and Technological Fictions is an integral part of the project more-thanhuman - perspectives on technology and futurity, organised by Contemporânea, which, throughout 2024, presents an exhibition, a publication and a programme of meetings between various disciplines and institutions.

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