This is a past event.
Rabbya Naseer
Rabbya Naseer
Performative Gestures, the title of this presentation, explores the ways in which ‘Performance’ becomes a tool for reconfiguring the status and function of art from passivity to active agency and direct confrontation. Rabbya Naseer will be sharing examples from her artistic, curatorial and research practice to examine Performance Art.
Rabbya Naseer (Pakistan) is an artist, curator, teacher and art critic. Using performance as an instrument, her work deals with private and public ‘day-to-day’ as if it were a place where social values are declared and challenged. In Promises to Keep (2017), Naseer examined the use of the body in actions of self-representation by twelve Pakistani female artists from three different generations, and the way their works reveal their proactive involvement with sociopolitical issues.
19 FEB 2019
TUE 18:30
Free entry*
Duration 90 minutes
* Free entry (subject to availability), tickets available on the day from 10:00am at the ticket-office
In english with simultaneous translation
Live streaming here
Full presentation Rabbya Naseer
Performative Gestures explores the ways in which ‘Performance’ becomes a tool for reconfiguring the status and function of art from passivity to active agency and direct confrontation. Naseer is an interdisciplinary artist, whose practice is informed by her immediate environment, producing a material entity only as a by-product of her lived experiences. She will be sharing examples from her artistic, curatorial and research practice to examine; if Performance Art’s resistance to definitions and the challenges of archiving the undefined experience, helps make it something more than the sum of its component parts? How rethinking spatial relations between ‘art-object’, ‘artist’ and ‘viewer/participant’ are integral to the structure of producing experiential art? How interdisciplinary practice through a conscious blurring of distinctions between ‘Art’ and ‘everyday life’, helps question clearly defined categories to broaden the concept of art and its affect? How such works examine the everyday (both private and public) as a domain in which social values are asserted and contested? How attention to ‘situations’ highlights the close relationship between ‘performance’ and processes of ‘social organization’? How this investigation and appropriation of specific lived ‘experiences’ helps with analyzing the relationship between the ‘real’ and the ‘representational’? And lastly, what is the role of the witness in order to explore the notions of truth, perception and intimacy in archiving the undefined experience.
Program What Has Love Got To Do With It
18th February 2019
Liliana Coutinho, Cláudia Madeira, Giulia Lamoni
10:45 – 11:30
The public, the private and the political in the performative works of young artists and students of fine arts: a case study
Teresa Furtado, artist, assistant professor, Department of Visual Arts and Design, School of the Arts, University of Évora, CHAIA/UÉ
chair: Bruno Marques, IHA-FCSH, UNL
11:30 – 13:00
Panel 1
chair: Giulia Lamoni, IHA-FCSH, UNL
Talking about Love, Publicization of intimate matters in contemporary dance plays
Claire Vionnet, anthropologist
Down and Dirty: Ecosex intimacies and the appeal of the ‘personal’
Jon Cairns, Critical Studies Leader, BA Fine Art, Central Saint Martins
Ropework: performing fragility
Daniel Cardoso, FCSH NOVA University
Telma João Santos, University of Évora
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:45
Radio Intimacy – a poadcast
Ana Pais, researcher in performative arts, FCT postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Theater Studies, FLUL, dramaturgist, curator
14:45 – 16:15
Panel 2
chair: Margarida Brito Alves
How Intimacy Disrupts Power
Claire Schneider, independent curator in Buffalo, New York, and founder and director of C.S.1 Curatorial Projects
From private archive to public discourse: Karol Radziszewki’s Kisieland
Flóra Gadó, PhD candidate at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies, Budapest, Hungary
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 18:00
Panel 3
chair: Cláudia Madeira
Love + Other Pressing Issues: Barbara T. Smith’s 21st Century Odyssey, 1991-1993
Pietro Rigolo, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
Proximity, emotions and technological mediation in Italian Performance Art of the origins
Francesca Gallo, Sapienza University of Rome
The Will of (Im) Possible: artistic lovers couples in the Art of Performance
Nelson Guerreiro, researcher
The Body Politic: the museum as a space of intimacy and action
Catherine Wood, senior curator of International art / Performance, TATE Modern
chair: Liliana Coutinho
19th February 2019
10:30 – 11:10
Tu & Eu | You & Me
Susana Mendes Silva, artist and assistant professor at University of Évora, DPAO, i2ADS, FBAUP
11:15 – 12:45
Panel 4
chair: Bruno Marques
All Together - Feedback Now - Total Access Inc. (on my personal Coca Cola memories and other globalised pop affects)
Paula Caspão, writer and artist, FCT postdoctoral research fellow, lecturer at the Centre for Theatre Studies (CET/FLUL - UL), associate researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History (IHC-UNL)
Intimacy and affectivity in cyberspace
Paula Varanda, PhD, researcher
The Act of Being ‘Together Alone’:Slow Cinema and the Re-Design of One’s Intimate Interaction with the Concept of Realness
Susana Bessa, writer
12:45 – 14:00
14:00 –14:30
Reading (room 2)
Community, by Luiz Pacheco
Directed by: Ana Palma
With: Ana Palma, André Simões, Constança Carvalho Neto, Diogo Lopes and Rita Monteiro
Creation: Teatro da Garagem
14:45 – 16:15
Panel 5
chair: Fernando Matos Oliveira
On female desire in poetic autobiographies
Ana Lúcia M. de Marsillac, psychologist and postdoctoral fellow at IC Nova - FCSH/UNL
Paulo Jesus, psychologist, assistant professor of psychology at Portucalense University, researcher at the Philosophy Centre - UL
Woman standing in front of the mirror. An intimate practice-as-research project
Sol Garre, Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Madrid
16:15 – 16:30
16:30 – 18:00
Panel 6
chair: Liliana Coutinho
Agape and Anthropocene
António Contador, Institut Acte, University of Paris 1/CNRS, artist
Performing the ‘I Care’
Kathryn Lawson Hughes, Swansea College of Art, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Performative ‘Intraventions’ and Matters of Love, Care and Delay: Steps Towards Responsible ‘Worlding’
Alberto Altés Arlandis, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow / Chair of Methods and Analysis TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment - Architecture
Performative Gestures
Rabbya Nasser, artist, curator and teacher at NCA, Lahore, Pakistan
chair: Giulia Lamoni, IHA-FCSH, UNL
Streaming support

Institute of Art History, ICNOVA – Nova Institute of Communication, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of University Nova de Lisboa, CEIS20-UC – Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies from XX century, FLUC
Teatro da Garagem
Bruno Marques, Cláudia Madeira, Fernando Matos Oliveira, Giulia Lamoni, Liliana Coutinho
Ana Pais, Luís Trindade, Manuel Lisboa, Susana Mendes Silva