Raquel André e Tonan Quito
Raquel André e Tonan Quito
What happens when someone is born?
From conversations with people who brought people or who helped to bring people into the world, Raquel André and Tonan Quito tell stories of births that will be stories of life, death, nationalities, blood, of family, of ancestry, of rituals, of birth policies, migration policies navigating through geographical, economic, ethical, and sentimental events, which cross the utopia of a new life. By bringing to their theatre making process the family architectures created by their births, Raquel and Tonan tell us stories of possible villages in which to take care of a child.
25 JUN 2025
WED 21:00
26 JUN 2025
THU 21:00
27 JUN 2025
FRI 21:00
28 JUN 2025
SAT 19:00
Audio description and interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language at all sessions.
Descriptive subtitles
Accessibility Features
Artistic direction and interpretation
Raquel André e Tonan Quito
Bernardo de Almeida
André Tecedeiro
Fernando Ribeiro
Desenho de luz
Wilma Moutinho
Afonso Sousa
José António Tenente
Financial management
Culturgest - Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Teatro Viriato, Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias, Teatro Aveirense