A Revolution Like This

A Revolution Like This

Struggle & Fiction: The Housing Question

A Revolution Like This

Struggle & Fiction: The Housing Question

The serious housing crisis has led people to protest for the right to an affordable home, not only in Portugal, but also across Europe. This and other issues, such as social inequality, migration and the ecological crisis, are on the agenda of contemporary society, in constant change. Between September 25th and October 6th, the Uma Revolução Assim (A Revolution Like This) — Struggle and Fiction: the Housing Question festival invites to a collective dialogue about what kind of society we want to build and promotes thinking about other ways of living and inhabiting. With artistic interventions in private homes, a series of podcasts, a vídeo essay, talks over lunch, debates and round tables on a mobile stage that transforms itself into a parliament, radio station, open-air cinema, kitchen or living room, and which will travel to various areas of Greater Lisbon. The first day, taking place at Culturgest, is dedicated to the themes #1 — Struggle, Courage, Experimentation, Empathy, Violence.

Rádio no Palco

Culturgest's Open-air Amphitheatre
Free entry (subject to space capacity)
In Portuguese and English, with simultaneous translation

Open interviews and conversations to share practices and approaches to the housing question. The conversations will be broadcast live on Rádio Antecâmara and are part of an oral history project and of the podcast Uma Revolução Assim (A Revolution Like This).

Conversas à mesa

Culturgest's Open-air Amphitheatre
Free entry (subject to space capacity)
In Portuguese and English, with simultaneous translation
Moderation: Julia Albani

It’s often said that you don’t discuss politics, soccer or religion at table, but at this lunch we’re going against tradition. We’ll prepare the food, you will bring your ideas. Informal, straight, urgent and fun conversations, with toasts to new ideas, constellations and ways of living together.

Luta, Coragem, Experimentação, Empatia, Violência

Debate aberto

Culturgest's Open-air Amphitheatre
Free entry (subject to space capacity)
In Portuguese and English, with simultaneous translation

Roundtable to fight the housing crisis with the participation of Jesko Fezer (designer and author), Judit Morello (Rede Cohabitar / Coletivo-Cooperativa Aldrava, Lisbon), Paula Cardoso (journalist, author and founder of Afrolink, Lisbon), Pierre Cr.tois (philosopher and writer), Tiago Mota Saraiva (critic and architect, ateliermob / trabalhar com os 99%), and representatives of the Movimento Referendo pela Habitação.

Nuno Cera, Tiago Mota Saraiva

Uma Revolução Assim 

Small Auditorium
Free entry*
*with ticket pickup 30 min. before the session starts (subject to room capacity)

Premiere of the video essay Uma Revolução Assim (A Revolution Like This) (2024, 40 min., Portuguese V.O., with subtitles in English), by artist Nuno Cera in collaboration with critic and architect Tiago Mota Saraiva (ateliermob / trabalhar com os 99%), which outlines in a poetic way, the recent events of urban cooperatives, struggles, and negotiations around the housing question. The work is the result of a year of observation and reflection in the Greater Lisbon, followed by a debate with the participation of the protagonists and participants of the festival.


© DR.

26 SEP 2024
THU 10:00–20:30

Culturgest's Open-air Amphitheatre and Small Auditorium
Free entry*

Curated by

Julia Albani


Goethe-Institut Portugal em parceria com a Culturgest — Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos, com a colaboração do Institut français du Portugal Consultoria curatorial Nuno Cera, Tiago Mota Saraiva, Ana Jara Coordenação Goethe-Institut Portugal e Culturgest

Uma iniciativa do Goethe-Institut Portugal em colaboração com a Culturgest — Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos, em parceria com o Institut français du Portugal no âmbito de Mais França. Com apoio de Bartholomäus-Brüderschaft, Fonds culturel franco-allemand / Deutsch- Französischer Kulturfonds. O festival conta com a parceria de programação da Rádio Antecâmara e do jornal Mensagem de Lisboa.

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