This is a past event.



Territory #4


Territory #4

Curated by: Frederico Duarte e Vera Sacchetti

The fourth edition of the Território series brings us a magazine and an exhibition. Created by Frederico Duarte and Vera Sacchetti – art critics and design curators – Fazer seeks to define the reach of contemporary design through the voices of those who shape it, letting a wider audience in on how design affects the momentous social change we are going through.

Shown first at Fidelidade Arte, in Lisbon, then Culturgest Porto, Território is an experience in curatorship as editorship, and vice versa. Once the artifacts evoked in each issue of the magazine are displayed at the gallery, the gallery becomes as much a vehicle for a discourse as it is for the exhibition. Related public programming will offer critical perspectives on recent results in the design field. Each exhibition concludes with the release of the printed magazine.

Event Programme

9 MAR 2024
SAT 14:30

Guided tour with curators

SAT 16:30
Talk Affortable Housing, Today
Alexandra Areia, Frederico Duarte, Vera Sacchetti

6 ABR 2024
SAT 14:00

Workshop If This Street Were Mine
Thiago Franco, Peter Füssy

6 ABR 2024
SAT 16:30

Talk If This Street Were Mine
Ana Cristina Fernandes, Daniel Casas Valle, Peter Füssy

11 MAI 2024
SAT 14:30

Innovation: Student Assembly

11 MAI 2024
SAT 16:30

Launch Fazer #2 magazine

12 MAI 2024
SUN 14:30

Guided tour with curators
© Renato Cruz Santos.
© Renato Cruz Santos.
© Renato Cruz Santos.
© Renato Cruz Santos.
© Renato Cruz Santos.
© Renato Cruz Santos.
© Renato Cruz Santos.

10 FEB
– 12 MAY 2024

Culturgest Porto
Free admission

OPENING (free admission)
9 FEB 10:00pm-midnight



Fidelidade Arte
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