The Floor is Lava!

The Floor is Lava!

Territory #6

The Floor is Lava!

Territory #6

Curator: Catarina Laranjeiro e Daniel Barroca

Territory (#6) is dense and complicated, a territory steeped in traps and contradictions and stretching from Guinea-Bissau, where the documentary film Fogo no Lodo is set, to the Sintra suburbs near Lisbon. O Chão é Lava!, after the children’s game 'The Floor is Lava', was the title suggested by artist Sara Santos for this exhibition, in which she presents iconic buildings from Cacém alongside a blanket-map where she has been inscribing a subjective European geopolitics. In another section, Europe pretends to be Africa. Amateur filmmakers living in the suburbs of Lisbon, such as João Pereira (Tikai) and Nelca Lopez, imagine themselves in their home countries. A parallel dialogue is created between former Portuguese soldier José Estima’s gaze on the colonial war in Guinea-Bissau and Ana Temudo’s take on Ramon Sarró and Marina Temudo’s images of the Kyangyang messianic movement. Meanwhile, a publication will be conceived with A Certain Lack of Coherence and a new cinema will be temporarily established with programming by Inês Sapeta Dias, Maria do Carmo Piçarra, and Rui Lopes.

© Vera Marmelo.

27 MAY
– 30 AUG 2024

Fidelidade Arte Lisboa
Free admission

24 MAY 10:00pm-midnight

MON-FRI 11:00am–7:00pm

Biografias Catarina Laranjeiro e Daniel Barroca

Catarina Laranjeiro

Catarina Laranjeiro (Guimarães, 1983) é investigadora no Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC-NOVA/FCSH), onde desenvolve um projeto sobre cinema vernacular em Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e respetivas diásporas na Europa. Realizou o filme Pabia di Aos (2013), e co-realizou Enxertia (2020; com Marta Leite) e Fogo no Lodo (2023; com Daniel Barroca). No campo da performance, colabora com Tânia Dinis com quem co-criou Álbuns de Guerra (2021) e se encontra a co-desenvolver Traçadas (2025). 


Daniel Barroca

O trabalho de Daniel Barroca (1976) cruza a arte e a etnografia. Desenvolve uma pesquisa de doutoramento no DANT.Ulisboa sobre guerra e imagem. Estudou artes plásticas na ESAD.CR (Caldas da Rainha), no Ar.Co (Lisboa) e no Ashkal Alwan (Beirute). Foi artista residente na Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlim), Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Amesterdão) e no Drawing Center (Nova Iorque). Co-realizou com Catarina Laranjeiro o filme Fogo no Lodo (2023).


Fidelidade Arte
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