This is a past event.
Victor de Oliveira
Victor de Oliveira
Victor de Oliveira's creations are closely linked to the colonial history of his country, Mozambique. In Incêndios, a show created in 2019 in Maputo, co-produced by Culturgest, the director looked for echoes of the civil war that devastated the country for 16 years, and in Limbo (Prémios de Melhor Espetáculo e Melhor Texto 2022 da Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores) he questioned the effects of colonisation, assimilation, and miscegenation.
Through the adaptation of the novel As Areias do Imperador by Mozambican author Mia Couto, Victor de Oliveira continues his path around the relations between Europe and Africa. The play takes us to the end of the 19th century in the midst of the first processes of occupation and colonisation, where Emperor Ngungunyane opposes the advances of Portuguese troops. Germano, a Portuguese soldier, and Imani, a Mozambican interpreter, fall madly in love. An impossible love story told by 15 interpreters from Mozambique, Portugal, and France who, through the fate of these two beings, show us the history of a people.
20 MAR 2024
WED 20:00
21 MAR 2024
THU 20:00
22 MAR 2024
FRI 20:00
23 MAR 2024
SAT 20:00
With subtitles in Portuguese.
As Areias do Imperador is part of the Abril Abriu Cycle, an initiative by Teatro Nacional D. Maria II.
Adapted, staged
Victor de Oliveira
Mia Couto
Ana Magaia, Bruno Huca, Daniel Pinto, Elliot Alex, Eunice Mandlate, Horácio Guiamba, Isabelle Cagnat, Josefina Massango, Lucrécia Paco, Klemente Tsamba, Mário Santos, Miguel Moreira, Miguel Nunes, Sufaida Moyane, Victor de Oliveira
Margaux Nessi
Costumes, accessories
Sara Machado
Diane Guerin
Samuel Gutman
Original music
Ailton Matavela
Eve Liot
Staging assistance
Venâncio Calisto
Paintings, sculptures
Dramaturgical collaboration
Charlotte Farcet
Changana translation
Mabjeca Tingana
Jorge Tomé
Administration, production
En Votre Compagnie
Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Nacional São João, Centro Cultural Franco-Moçambicano, Teatro Aveirense, Le Grand T-Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, MC93 Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Espace Malraux Scène Nationale de Chambéry Savoie, Les Célestins — Théâtre de Lyon
Abril Abriu, Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Culturgest
DRAC-Ile de France (Ministério da Cultura — Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France), Institut FranÇais, Instituto Camões de Maputo, Roundabout.lx La Colline Théâtre National
Clayda Beque, Claude e Anne José Nessi, Cheny Wa Gune, Christophe Dumont, Dhemas Rainha, Edgar de Oliveira, Jean-Louis Sauvat, Kitty Furtado, Lenna Bahule, Marta Angelozzi, Marta Belém, Matanhane Nhamucume, Melissa Babil, Miss Suzie, Phayra Baloi, Paulo Zacarias